Update for the 1.0 release - patch 2

In this update, we're bringing many fixes for the v1.0 release. One of the most significant problems that are now fixed is the problem with caching of JS files that would have an invalid version, and then the older, unsupported version would be used by the browser.
Next, we fixed a long-standing problem with dropdowns inside a responsive table. This one was quite hard to do, but we managed it.
Overall, the new update is quite extensive and will bring more stability to Blazorise. Please update your projects and let us know if any problems arise.
Change Log
- #3555 Chart Clicked event not working
- #3566 Tooltip not being updated
- #3563 Navigating away from Drag&Drop page causes dispose error
- #3569 Bootstrap 5 range color
- #3571 NumericPicker getting browser warning when SelectAllOnFocus="true"
- #3489 DataGrid: DataGridMultiSelectColumn - checkbox issue
- #3551 Datagrid multi selection not working properly
- #3570 Fix Markdown Image Upload: Allow Images with Sizes > 0 bytes (PR)
- #3589 ReplaceTab attribute causes binding and manual event to malfunction - no update on delete
- #3608 The requested module './utilities.js' does not provide an export named 'firstNonNull'
- #3616 Modal flickers after closing when "Visible" is bound
- #3603 Unit tests for components with DataGrid fail after upgrade to 1.0.1
- #3591 Trendline bugfix: don't call chart.update() after you add the trendlines (PR)
- #3634 NumericPicker is too picky over it's limits
- #3638 Border Color doesn't work.
- #3605 Dropdown positioned below datagrid rows
Megabit Ltd, a small organization based in Croatia, maintains the open-source component library Blazorise. We strongly believe in the open-source ecosystem, so we're giving it away for free through our Blazorise Community licenses.
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