Update for the 1.0 release - patch 3

Support for Blazorise v1.0.x is still going strong, and in this release, we're bringing more fixes and stability improvements. We hope it will help you solve any issues you might be experiencing before.
Change Log
- #3637 DataGrid fires CustomFilter 3 times x N rows at first time loading.
- #3651 Updating to v1.0.2 causes NullReferenceException in ThemeGenerator.
- #3656v1.0.2 doesn't work with ThemeProvider.
- #3655 BeginAtZero in ChartAxisTicks seems to not have been implemented with support for chart.js v3.x
- #3652 NumericPicker does not update display value when the binded property is set to null
- #3627 Autocomplete Control - Pre-Loaded Values Don't Appear until Mouse Hovers.
- #3683 TextEdit has an invalid classname
- #3688 Prevent mouse wheel to change value on numeric picker
- #3686 Autocomplete Multiple -> css bug
- #3684 Change disabled Check color.
- #3681
DataGrid MultiSelect : Cannot provide a value for property
. - #3664 Bug drawing chart after show/hide dataset.
- #3682 RightAligned of dropdown not work well.
Megabit Ltd, a small organization based in Croatia, maintains the open-source component library Blazorise. We strongly believe in the open-source ecosystem, so we're giving it away for free through our Blazorise Community licenses.
If you want to help the project and are already a part of a large organization, please consider purchasing a commercial license to help us become a sustainable business. Then we'll be able to continue working on Blazorise.
With a commercial license, you get premium forum support as well as access to our private repositories and community-licensed themes. To learn more, visit us at Blazorise Commercial.